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Electric Muscle Stimulation in Hoover

e-stim session

  • What is Electric Muscle Stimulation therapy? It is a therapeutic treatment to aid in the relief of pain and the promtion of soft tissue healing.
  • How does Electric Muscle Stimulation work? Tiny amounts of electrical impulses are induced into the tissues in the vicinity of the injury. Where these waves intersect below the surface of the skin, a low-frequency stimulation is created. This prompts the body to secrete endorphins and other natural pain killers to help relieve pain.
  • What does Electric Muscle Stimulation Therapy feel like? Most patients find electric muscle stimulation to be extremely beneficial and described the treatment as a faint "pins and needles" sensation.
  • Why is Electric Muscle Stimulation Therapy used? Eletric muscle stimulation us most often used yo relieve pain and aid in reducing the swelling of soft tissues. Ligament sprains, muscle strains, and spasms often respond to this treatment, helping to reduce atrophy and increase blood circulation.
  • Patient benefits include less painful symptoms, promoted muscle tone, the release of natural pain killers, decreased swelling, and an accelerated healing process.

e-stim on back